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Philippines & South Asia

Brother Narciso Jr. Gautane

Narciso Gautane Jr. and his family are missionaries in the Philippines and Southeast Asia since 2005. Bro. Gautane got saved July 14, 1990, and was called to preach in June of 2000. Gautane and his family became church planters from March 2005 onwards and by the grace of God they were able to start and establish five churches in the Philippines and currently working on mission works in Hong Kong, China, and Singapore. 



Brother Joshua Dean

Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Kumsai, Ghana was established in January of 1997. Most of the Missionary Baptist Churches in Ghana have been established through the efforts of Mt. Zion and currently have two Mission works under the authority of Mt. Zion. The Churches In Ghana have a primary goal of spreading the Gospel throughout the country and supporting the communities in which they serve.


Joshua Dean, pastor of Gloryland United Baptist Church located in Shelbyville, Indiana will be preaching a revival located at Mt. Zion Baptist Church . Joshua Dean will be traveling with the Pastor' son, brother Nathaniel Sekyere Owusu, to different communities to support and aid through teaching and preaching, as well as providing aid to the poor through funds given by supporting churches Brother Nathaniel Sekyere . Brother Joshua Dean will be preaching a revival this year in Ghana, Africa.

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